

Creating a Resource

  1. Log in to the backend of the Hub, hover over the Components tab and click Resources.
  2. Click New to create a new Resource.
  3. In Details insert the following details about the Resource.
    1. Title: This is the name of the Resource that users will see.
    2. Type: The type is the classification of the Resource.
    3. Alias: The title of the Resource that is used in the URL.
    4. Location: The place where the Resource can be found
    5. Time: This is the creation date of the Resource.
    6. Canonical: A separate URL can be added to the Resource to connect a separate URL or link to the Resource.
    7. Intro Text: This is the basic information of the Resource or the abstract of the Resource.
    8. Main Text: This is the main section of the Resource information.
  4. In Contributors insert the authors of the Resource by inputting their User ID, name, or username and click Add.
    1. Removing an Author: Click the trashcan beside the user’s name or Delete icon to remove the user as an author on the Resource.
    2. Changing the Affiliation: Click in the Affiliation text box and type in a new affiliation or title that labels how this user is affiliated with the project, for example Researcher.
  5. In Publishing insert the following details about the state of publishing for the Resource.
    1. Standalone: Check the box to make the Resource easier to find or uncheck the box to disable that access.
    2. Status: This is the state of the Resource and it’s availability to the Hub.

i.Draft (user created): The Resource is in the process of being created by a user.

ii.Draft (internal): The Resource is in the process of being created by an administrator on the back-end of the Hub.

iii.Pending: The Resource is waiting for approval by an administrator of the Hub.

iv.Unpublished: The Resource is not available to the front of the Hub.

v.Published: The Resource is available to the front of the Hub.

vi.Deleted: The Resource has been deleted from the front of the Hub.

  1. Group: Select a group on the Hub to add the resource to the group.
  2. Access Level: This determines what users can access the Resource.

i.Public: The Resource is available to all users of the Hub and visitors of the Hub.

ii.Registered: Only registered users of the Hub can access the Resource.

iii.Special: Only administrators can view the Resource.

iv.Protected: The Resource’s abstract can be viewed, but only group members can access the files. A group must own the Resource

v.Private: The Resource is only visible to group members. A group must own the Resource.

  1. Change Creator: The drop-down can be used to change the creator to another user of the Hub or administrator.
  2. Start Publishing: The date that the Resource was published on the Hub.
  3. Finish Publishing: The date that the Resource was unpublished from the Hub.
  4. Hits: This is a number totaling all of the times a user has read to used a resource.
  1. In “Files” upload the files for the Resource.
    1. Uploading a File: Add a file to the Resource by selecting a file and uploading it to the Resource by clicking “Upload.”
    2. Changing the File’s State: Select the file and use the drop-down to change the visibility of the file by clicking “Apply.” For example, this allows images added to a Resource the ability to open as an image instead of a download.
    3. Create a Directory: This can create a file to add to the Resource by adding the title of the directory in the text box.
  2. In Tags type in words that affiliate the Resource with labels or titles. These tags can connect the Resource with other parts of the Hub or words that can make searches on the Hub easier to locate this Resource.
  3. In Parameters select the restrictions that can be set on this Resource to limit what is visible, so parts of the Resource that are not filled out can be hidden from users.
    1. License: To connect this Resource with a license, type the license in the provided text box.
  4. Review the Resource, then click Save & Close.


Editing a Resource

  1. Log in to the backend of the Hub, hover over the Components tab and click on Resources.
  2. Locate the Resource, and check the box of the resource to select it.
  3. Click Edit to edit the content of the Resource.
  4. Once the content has been edited, click Save & Close.

Deleting a Resource

  1. Log in to the backend of the Hub, hover over the Components tab and click Resources.
  2. Locate the Resource that is to be deleted.
  3. Select the Resource’s check box, and then click Delete.
  4. The Resource will be automatically deleted and removed from the Hub permanently. 

Creating Resource Types

The default list of types may not work for all Resources, thus any Hub administrator can create a Resource Type. This can be done from the administrative backend of the site by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the backend of the Hub.
  2. Navigate to the Components tab and then click on Resources.
  3. Once the Resources Manager page has loaded, select Types from the sub-menu found under the Resources Manager title.
  4. You should now be presented with a list of all the Main Types (selected by default). There are multiple categories of types.
    1. If not already selected, select Main Types from the Categories option found directly above the list or navigate the listing until you see those designated as Main Types. These are the primary types of resources users will be able to contribute, browse, etc.
  5. Click the title of a type to edit it or click New from the toolbar on the top right of the page.
  6. Fill in the title and alias of the new type.
  7. Select the category of the new Resource Type from the drop-down. 
    1. Generally it is a best practice to select the Main Types option from the drop-down if you want to give users easy access to the new Resource Type.
  8. Decide if this resource type can be contributable from the frontend
    by checking/unchecking the Contributable checkbox.
  9. Add a description in the Description text box to describe the new Resource Type.
  10. Decide what custom fields you wish to have filled in by the user for that resource type. 
    1. Field Name: The name of the field where data about the resource is entered.
    2. Input type: Options are single-line text boxes, multi-line text areas, checkboxes, select list (pull down), radio options, pre-defined options (language list, etc.).
    3. Required: A field may be required or not. By checking the Required box, this field must be filled out by the user in order for them to submit the Resource
  11. The Custom Fields can be reordered by selecting the multiple lines under Reorder and dragging up or down depending on the preferred placement of the fields.
  12. Add a new custom field by clicking the Add new row button under the current fields.
  13. Click Save in the toolbar on the top right of the page.
  14. New resource types should now be available as a resource option and changes to types should take affect immediately.

Creating a Series Resource

A series is a resource type that allows multiple resources to be placed under a parent resource. This is especially useful for resources that are related and can be viewed together. Administrators can create these resources on the backend of the Hub.


Create the Parent resource:

  1. Log in to the backend of the Hub and under the Components tab select Resources.
  2. In the Resource Manager, create a new resource by clicking the New icon.
  3. Fill in the new resource details such as the title, location, and text.
  4. In the type drop down, select Series as the new resource type. 
  5. Select the contributors by entering the user’s name or user ID and then add them to the list of contributors.
  6. Fill in the publishing information by selecting the status as Published, the group the resource will belong to, access level, creator of the resource, and the publishing dates.
  7. Click Save & Close to save the new resource series.


Add the Child resources:

  1. In the Resource Manager, find the new resource series and click on the + under the column Children.
  2. Create a new resource to add under the parent resource or add in previously created resources by clicking Add existing and typing in the resource ID, then click Next.
    1. Note: Only add one child resource at a time
  3. After one child has been created, you can continue adding children by clicking Add Child under the Resource Manager: Child Resource. Repeat the process until you have completed the series.
  4. View the new Resource series on the frontend of the Hub.
    1. On the Resource, click Series and you will be able to view all of the resources under the parent resource.

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