
Separate execution host setup


Our standard open source install sets up a web server and execution host on a single machine. For smaller hubs, this is an adequate setup, however on hubs with greater needs, often separate (and sometimes multiple) execution hosts are required for an installation. The following is a set of directions for setting up an execution host.

Note, these directions are not complete step by step directions, but more of a guideline for setting up an execution host. A user should have a very thorough understanding of hub architecture before attempting to setup an additional execution host.

Setup steps

  1. Do standard debian OS install
  2. Configure hostname and /etc/sources.list appropiately
  3. Setup standard hub through the openldap step
  4. Install openvz kernel
  5. Install hubzero mw-service on execution host 'apt-get install -y hubzero-mw-service'
  6. Run 'mkvztemplate amd64 wheezy diego'
  7. run 'hzcms configure mw-service --enable'
  8. configure /etc/nslcd.conf and restart. /etc/nslcd.conf will need the following modifications:
    URI - modified to point to the ldap on the web host
    binddn - set to the search user dn on the webserver (do a 'slapcat | grep search' to get the DN for the search user on the web server)
    bindpw - set to the value contained for the LDAP-SEARCHPW in the /etc/hubzero.secrets file on the web server
  9. Install hubzero mw-client and configure on execution host
  10. copy /etc/mw-client/ from web host to /root/.ssh/authorized keys file on execution host
  11. On web server, add execution host to tools component
    login to webserver admin section (webserver/administrator)
    select components->tools
    on host tab click on + sign in upper right to add an execution host
    When you are returned to the list of hosts, you should see two, one for the web server, likely called localhost and the IP for your execution host
    Under the provisions section, click on pubnet, sessions, and workspace for the new execution host
    Under the provisions section, uncheck everything but fileserver for your web server
  12. Setup nfs server on web server
    'apt-get install nfs-kernel-server'
    edit /etc/exports to export /home and /apps, something similar to this:
      /home executionhost.ip.address(rw,no_subtree_check)
      /apps executionhost.ip.address(rw,no_subtree_check)
  13. Setup nfs client on execution host
    apt-get install nfs-common
    mount -t nfs webserver:/home /home
    mount -t nfs webserver:/apps /apps
    NOTE: user will want to add appropiate sections in the /etc/fstab file to remount these locations after a reboot. Something similar to: /apps   nfs     vers=3,rw       0       0 /home   nfs     vers=3,rw       0       0


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