


A step – by – step guided system that walks you through publishing research products, including datasets and white papers. Through Publications, all published research will obtain a DOI, license and go through a curation process before being published. Publications can be published through a Project or as a stand-alone publication on the Hub.

When publishing data through Publications, the primary content is selected first and then the publication is described through a title and abstract. Authors are added and can be modified to determine specific roles such as Submitter and Author. Images and supporting docs can then be uploaded, followed by choosing a publishing license, such as Creative Commons and adding Tags to determine the category of the Publication. Finally, DOIs and release notes can be added before the Publication is fit to be reviewed and submitted for Hub curators to review.

Hub curators are Hub members who have elevated permissions to access all “pending review” publications. Some set-up has to happen before curation can be completed. Curators can review all the parts of the Publication and make notes to areas where further work has to be completed before the publication is officially published. This is a crucial step for once a Publication is published, it will be available for the world to read and cite. 

While Publications comes with pre-defined categories, the grouping in which the content is affiliated such as workshop materials, and master types, the content type such as file type, administrators can modify and add new contributable areas specific to their field of interest. Administrators can manage categories and master types from the /administrator interface along with adding new licenses, batch create Publications and manage all drafted to published Publications.

Publication Through a Project


Creating a publication through a Project has many benefits, including:

  • Allows for a consistent team to collaborate on a Publication or set of related Publications.
  • Using the Publications feature through a Project allows Databases to be added to a Publication for public viewing.
  • Integration with storage mechanisms such as Google Drive.
  • Project team members will automatically show in the list of authors to choose from, making it easy to add the same authors to several different Publications.
  • Gives related Publications a shared public Projects page that users can view to look at related Publications that were a part of the same Project.

Creating a Publication Through a Project

  1. Navigate to the Project you'd like to use to create a Publication.  If you want to view a list of Projects you manage or be able to create a new project go to
  2. Click Publications on the left menu bar inside the project
  3. Click Start a New Publication
  4. Select the type of Publication you would like to create



Select the Primary Content

  1. Click Add a File in the Primary Files area
  2. From the Select Files for Publication area, choose the file(s) that will be considered primary files in your publication. There will be another section for selecting or uploading secondary files.  Note: If you want to upload a file that has not yet been uploaded to the project, click Browse, choose the file, and click Upload. Then select it from the list
  3. Once the files have been selected, click Save Selection
  4. Click Next


Describe the Publication

  1. Type a descriptive yet concise title in the Publication Title text box. Click Next
  2. In the Abstract textbox, provide a short (max 255 characters) abstract for your publication. Click Next

    Note: The Abstract/Description textbox should be used to provide the reader information about the publications purpose, and should not be used to deploy the publication's content

  3. In the Publication Description, describe your publication in detail

  4. Click Next


Add Author(s)

  1. Click Select Author(s) in the Publications Authors area

    Note: If you are adding a Publication from a Project, then all Project team members will be listed.

  2. Select the authors by clicking their names
  3. Press Save Selection to add the authors
  4. If you do not see an author listed, click Add an Author at the bottom of the section. Note: You can add an new author by typing their name in the box to look them up (registered hub users), or simple type their information if they do not have an account.  Click Add Author
  5. In the box that appears, ensure the name looks correct and type in the author's institution.  Optionally you can provide the author's e-mail address
  6. Click Save
  7. All authors that will listed on the publication will show under Publication Authors
  8. If you want to change the order which the authors are listed, click and drag the author name and move the name up/down the list
  9. Once you are satisfied with the list of authors, click Next to move to the next step


Add Gallery Images & Supporting Docs

  1. Click Add A file underneath Image Gallery

    Note: Accepted image formats are PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, and BMP

  2. Choose the image from the list of files, or use the Quick Upload option to upload one
  3. Select the files, and click Save Selection. The images that have been uploaded will be listed underneath the Gallery Images section
  4. Repeat the steps to upload supporting docs, but click Add a File in the Support Docs area
  5. Press Next

Select a License

  1. Click on the Choose License link
  2.  Select the license, and Press Save Selection

  3. Click the Read full license terms link to review the license
  4. After reviewing, check the box next to I have read the license terms and agree to license my work under the <License Type> License to confirm you have read it
  5. Click Next

Add Tags

  1. Type tags into the Publications Tabs field
  2. Type a comma or press Enter after typing a tag word or phrase to provide additional tags
  3. Under Category click the radio button next to the Category that best fits the publication
  4. Click Next to save the tags and move to the next step


Add Citations to Related Resources

  1. If the related resource has a DOI, type it in the textbox
  2. A preview of the citation associated with that DOI will appear below
  3. If you want to add this citation, click Add Citation
  4. You can repeat the steps above to add additional citations
  5. Alternately, if the citation does not have a DOI, click Enter Manually -> fill in the requested information -> click Save Citation when finished
  6. When finished adding citations to related  resources, click Next


Add Release Notes

  1. In the text box, you can type in any notes related to this specific version of the Publication
  2. Click Next


Review and Submit

  1. On the Publication Review page you can review your publication
  2. You can edit any of the steps by clicking on the link of the section name you want to change (e.g. Description, Authors, Content, etc.)
  3. Add a Publication Date to the Publishing settings
  4. Leave additional comments for administrators when submitting the publication in the Comments area
  5. Ensure all publication authors have read the Terms of Deposit, viewable by following the Terms of Deposit link, and then select the radio button next to I an all publication authors have read and agree to <HUB> Terms of Deposit
  6. Click Submit draft


Creating a Stand-alone Publication

Note: You must be logged into your HUB account to create a Publication.

There are many benefits to creating publications through a Project (discussed above). However, you can create a stand-alone publication by following the steps below.


Start a Publication

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click Start Publishing
  3. On the Publications: Submit page, click the Start a new Publication link

    Note: You will notice that there is a Start a new Project link on this page as well. This tutorial focuses on creating a stand-alone Publication NOT created within a Project, so ensure you use the Start a new publication link.


Select the Primary Content

  1. Click Publish Files underneath the Start a new project button.
  2. Then click Add a File in the Primary Files area
  3. From the Select Files for Publication area, choose the file(s) that will be considered primary files in your publication. There will be another section for selecting or uploading secondary files.  Note: If you want to upload a file that has not yet been uploaded to the project, click Browse, choose the file, and click Upload. Then select it from the list
  4. Once the files have been selected, click Save Selection
  5. Click Next


Describe the Publication

  1. Type a descriptive yet concise title in the Publication Title text box. Click Next
  2. In the Abstract textbox, provide a short (max 255 characters) abstract for your publication. Click Next

    Note: The Abstract/Description textbox should be used to provide the reader information about the publications purpose, and should not be used to deploy the publication's content.

  3. In the Publication Description, describe your publication in detail

  4. Click Next


Add Author(s)

  1. Click Select Author(s) in the Publications Authors area

    Note: If you are adding a Publication from a Project, then all Project team members will be listed.

  2. Select the authors by clicking their names
  3. Press Save Selection to add the authors
  4. If you do not see an author listed, click Add an Author at the bottom of the section. Note: You can add an new author by typing their name in the box to look them up (registered hub users), or simple type their information if they do not have an account.  Click Add Author
  5. In the box that appears, ensure the name looks correct and type in the author's institution.  Optionally you can provide the author's e-mail address
  6. Click Save
  7. All authors that will listed on the publication will show under Publication Authors
  8. If you want to change the order which the authors are listed, click and drag the author name and move the name up/down the list
  9. Once you are satisfied with the list of authors, click Next to move to the next step


Add Gallery Images & Supporting Docs

  1. Click Add A file underneath Image Gallery

    Note: Accepted image formats are PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, and BMP

  2. Choose the image from the list of files, or use the Quick Upload option to upload one
  3. Select the files, and click Save Selection. The images that have been uploaded will be listed underneath the Gallery Images section 
  4. Repeat the steps to upload supporting docs, but click Add a File in the Support Docs area
  5. Press Next


Select a License

  1. Click on the Choose License link
  2.  Select the license, and Press Save Selection

  3. Click the Read full license terms link to review the license
  4. After reviewing, check the box next to I have read the license terms and agree to license my work under the <License Type> License to confirm you have read it
  5. Click Next


Add Tags

  1. Type tags into the Publications Tabs field
  2. Type a comma or press Enter after typing a tag word or phrase to provide additional tags
  3. Under Category click the radio button next to the Category that best fits the publication
  4. Click Next to save the tags and move to the next step


Add Citations to Related Resources

  1. If the related resource has a DOI, type it in the textbox
  2. A preview of the citation associated with that DOI will appear below
  3. If you want to add this citation, click Add Citation
  4. You can repeat the steps above to add additional citations
  5. Alternately, if the citation does not have a DOI, click Enter Manually -> fill in the requested information -> click Save Citation when finished
  6. When finished adding citations to related  resources, click Next


Add Release Notes

  1. In the text box, you can type in any notes related to this specific version of the Publication
  2. Click Next


Review and Submit

  1. On the Publication Review page you can review your publication
  2. You can edit any of the steps by clicking on the link of the section name you want to change (e.g. Description, Authors, Content, etc.)
  3. Add a Publication Date to the Publishing settings
  4. Leave additional comments for administrators when submitting the publication in the Comments area
  5. Ensure all publication authors have read the Terms of Deposit, viewable by following the Terms of Deposit link, and then select the radio button next to I an all publication authors have read and agree to <HUB> Terms of Deposit
  6. Click Submit draft


Creating a Database Publication


  1. Navigate to a Project and click on the Files tab
  2. Click on Upload and then Upload a CSV file into the Project
  3. Navigate to Databases tab and then click on Create a database button in the upper right hand corner
  4. Select the file from the drop-down and then click Next
  5. Verify the data and then click Next 
  6. Add a Title for the database and a Description and then click Finish 
  7. Start a New Publication
  8. Click on Databases and then click on the database that you just created and walk through the Publications creation steps to finish publishing the new Database publication

Adding a Thumbnail Image in a database field

1) Within the Publication, click Update the Database

2) Click the Edit button on the column you're wishing to display the thumbnail

3) Click the Column Type tab and change the type to Image

4) Check the box Repository Files

5) Click Update Column

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