

All the common extension types for HUBzero can include their own migrations directory. Migrations are used for installing the extension into the required tables for the CMS to know about said extension's existence, installing any needed tables, installing sample data, etc.

To illustrate the typical component directory structures and files:

.. /components
.. .. /com_example
.. .. .. /admin
.. .. .. /api
.. .. .. /helpers
.. .. .. /migrations
.. .. .. .. /Migration20190301102219ComExample.php
.. .. .. .. /Migration20190301102256ComExample.php
.. .. .. .. /Migration20190301102301ComExample.php
.. .. .. /models
.. .. .. /site
.. .. .. /tests

See the Migrations documentation for more about naming conventions, setup, etc.

Components typically have one to three initial migrations: one for registering the component with the CMS, one for installing any tables specific to the component, and one for installing any default or sample data. While all of this can be done in one migration, it's typically broken into the three to allow for easier (re-)running of the migrations in steps. Next, we'll go through examples of each common migration.

A migration for registering the component with the CMS typically just involves calling the addComponentEntry helper method:


use Hubzero\Content\Migration\Base;

// No direct access
defined('_HZEXEC_') or die();

 * Migration script for registering the example component
class Migration20190301102219ComExample extends Base
     * Up
    public function up()
        // Register the component Note the 'com_' prefix is optional.
        // @param   string  $name            (required) Component name
        // @param   string  $option          (optional) com_xyz
        // @param   int     $enabled         (optional, default: 1) Whether or not the component should be enabled
	// @param   string  $params          (optional) Component params (if already known)
        // @param   bool    $createMenuItem  (optional, default: true) Create an admin menu item for this component

     * Down
    public function down()
        // Provide the name of the component. Note the 'com_' prefix is optional.

That's all there is to it! The addComponentEntry() adds the necessary entries to the needed database tables for the CMS to be aware of the component's existence. Next, we'll look at a typical table installation migration.


use Hubzero\Content\Migration\Base;

// No direct access
defined('_HZEXEC_') or die();

 * Migration script for registering the example component
class Migration20190301102256ComExample extends Base
     * Up
    public function up()
        if (!$this->db->tableExists('#__example_entries'))
            $query = "CREATE TABLE `#__example_entries` (
                `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                `alias` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                `content` text NOT NULL,
                `created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
                `created_by` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                `state` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                `params` tinytext NOT NULL,
                `access` tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
                PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
                KEY `idx_created_by` (`created_by`),
                KEY `idx_alias` (`alias`)
                ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;";


     * Down
    public function down()
        if ($this->db->tableExists('#__example_entries'))
            $query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#__example_entries`;";

In the up() method, we check if the table exists first and, if not, we add it. Existence checks for tables, keys, columns, etc. are essential to ensure migrations can be run and re-ran without conflicts. Also note that in all our migrations we undo everything from the up() in the down() method. This allows for rolling back a migration should the need arise.

Finally, we'll take a look at a migration that installs sample data.


use Hubzero\Content\Migration\Base;

// No direct access
defined('_HZEXEC_') or die();

 * Migration script for registering the example component
class Migration20190301102301ComExample extends Base
     * Up
    public function up()
        if ($this->db->tableExists('#__example_entries'))
            // Check if the entry already exists
            $query = "SELECT * FROM `#__example_entries` WHERE `alias`='sample' AND `created_by`='1000';"
            $id = $this->db->loadResult();

            if (!$id)
                $now = new HubzeroUtilityDate('now');

                $query = "INSERT INTO `#__example_entries` (
                `title`, `alias`, `content`,  `created`, `created_by`, `state`, `params`, `access`) VALUES ('Sample', 'sample', 'Sample content!', $now->toSql(), '1000', '1', '', '1');


     * Down
    public function down()
        if ($this->db->tableExists('#__example_entries'))
            $query = "DELETE FROM `#__example_entries` WHERE `alias`='sample' AND `created_by`='1000';

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