


-  Reworking the cart to work with payments plugins. Dummy and PUaccount plugins.
-  Set minimum items to zero and fix bug when adding coupon.  
-  Adding basic search to a few views.


-  Adding admin button to forcefully set a job as inactive.

-  Update email sending code to account for category subscriptions.
-  Add forum categories subscription configuration to group administrator menu.
-  Implement forum category subscription form.
-  Implement users categories API controller.
-  Create UsersCategory entity.
-  Move partials to views/shared.
-  Move email settings elements to partials.
- Only send forum emails to approved accounts Don't send a forum email to a blocked or unapproved account. This can happen when an active account gets marked as blocked at a later time but not removed from the group.  


-  Disable ability to edit or upload files for guest users.
- Truncate overly long group announcements This will truncate long group announcements and provide a 'More' link to the full text.


-  Trim extra slashes.
-  Make sure database columns exist before referencing them. The database columns seem to vary on hubs. So, this is an extra paranoid check.


-  Fixing z-index and styling issues with Project steps breadcrumb.


-  Remove dot-slash from paths whne building zip archive.
  Having ./ in paths seems to cause Window's built-in archive utility trouble. It'll either report the zip as corrupt or show an empty directory when unzipped. Simple fix is to remove the ./ as it seems to have no ill-effect on the resulting path.
- Fix base version of publication on new version.
  This change tracks the version that the user selected to submit a new  version from.  When creating a new version of a publication the version  that the user was viewing previously is now the version that is copied forward (instead of using the 1.0 version).
- Fix publication disk usage formula.

- Recalculate ordering values after moving items Recalculates ordering values after moving items so that ordering is always in sequence and no duplicate values.
- Avoid double-counting totals of Resource Series This attempts to group and display children of series resources and does not include the parent series' usage stats in the displayed total.


-  Add SKU whitelist checking for the product listing pages to display the products if the user is whitelisted to have acess to the SKU.
-  Adding component-level config option for customizing the 'Quantity' text.


-  Use middleware database connection when retrieving from middleware tables.  Middleware tables can sometimes be in an entirely different database, so use the middleware database connection instead of the default CMS connection.


- Allow for posting to multiple endpoints This allows for posting messages to a max of three separate Slack endpoints.
- Changing include path Use Component::path() instead of assuming known location.
- Vaerify return URLs are base64 encoded strings.
- Updating version number.
- Moving some code so it conforms to style standards.
- Updating Joomla method to redirect to Hubzero method.
- Bumping framework Adds temp Table class to replace JTable and Lang::script() method to replace JText::script()
- Bumping framework Removing use of deprecated Joomla constant and adding support for views not in a /tmpl sub-directory.
- Formatting fixes and adding docblock.
- Update com_support /outstandingtickets API.
- Implement OutstandingTickets controller.  The OutstandingTickets controller serves the results of querying the support tickets table for tickets that meet certain criteria
- Create a Criterion entity. Criteria are used to select support tickets that match a given Criterion
- Update users added count for all scenarios.
- Adding event triggers for adding tabs to edit user This allows for plugins to add tabs and interfaces for managing user related data without having direct references in com_members.
- Migration to remove Mollom antispam plugin. The Mollom service is End Of Life on April 2nd, 2018.
- Removing plugin for deprecated service.  The Mollom spam checker service has an End Of Life of April 2nd, 2018.
- Forcefully convert incoming data to UTF-8.
- Set page title and breadcrumbs when viewing a resource video not loaded by AJAX.
- Allow non-member access to public project files.
- Both first name and last name are required when conducting the ORCID Record search.
- Fix the issue that ORCID fetch task is executed twice.
- Only link to profiels of unblocked, approved users.
- Adding CSRF token to vote links.
- Include access = 0 in list for items that may have an invalid access setting.
  Access = 0 means the field value was never properly set, so we include those fields as though they were set to public (access = 1). Also, adding an ORM initiate method to try and force unset access values to 1.
-  Reworking CSS for tabs to avoid hard-coded heights, allowing for better scaling.
-  Bumping framework.
  * Various fixes to get Forms and Form Rules working properly
  * Have muse command output include full path to migration
  * Renaming Form Field classes and updating various managers to get a number of prviously not working Form Fields working again
  * Discover config processors that can handle multiple file types
- Fix failure limit on lazyload for Dataviewer.
  Lazyload plugin will read the HTML sequentially for images and stops
  its loop on the first image that is not in the viewport.  Because some
  tables run off the right side of the page, if they have images this will
  stop the lazyloading loop immediately.  An override of the limit allows
  the loop to continue lazyloading images that *are* in the viewport.
-  Removing link to non-existent file.
-  Show time as local rather than UTC.
  Time is shown as local in other portions of the itnerface. This keeps it consistent.
- Add 'simple size reporting' option for publications.
  This adds an option to com_projects configuration that allows for the administrator to ignore version history and bundle size when calculating disk usage and if the user is over quote Multiply by 100 to display a percentage, not 10,000
-  Bumping framework. Brings fixes for Form class.
-  Bumping framework. Fixes issue with determining if module is enabled.
-  Migration to add some columns to the profile_completion_award table.


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