


- Removing Joomla-based code.


- Specify and reset depth when building query so clauses are nested correctly. Fixes issue where blog posts that might not be published show up in the listing.


- Fixing incorrect colspan.


- Updating usage of base Obj class to reflect name change from Object.


- Reverting changes made by 9cb7860bfbad9fc8c9e927a3bf93dc873a8ca38b and making a new option for truncating text in dataviewer cells so it does not interfere with regularly wrapping text when forcing a width.


- Correcting how allowed access levels are calculated for the thread view. Fixes issue with some posts not being viewable.

- Adding option to disable anonymous posting.

- Fixing incorrect default sort value in the admin interface for threads.

- Change default sorting of searched comments to start with most recent descending.


- Try to determine invitation date and display when available.

- Merging three methods ont he admin interface into one to reduce redundant code.


- Use users table instead of deprecated xprofiles table and only pull non-blocked accounts.

- Make sure URL used for AJAX calls does NOT have encoded ampersands.

- Fixing incorrect language string keys.

- Adding some more fixes for filtering notes by user.

- Adding missing language files.


- Fixing issue where variable would not get updated in each pass of a loop. The $handlerBase var would get placeholders {project}, {file} replaced on the first pass but not on subsequent files as the placeholders were already replaced. Fix was to re-assign the final, parsed string to a separate variable so $handlerBase would act only as a template.

- Show the correct size picture.

- Minor wording change.

- Make sure array index exists before trying to use it.


- Fixing incorrect query syntax.

- Adding full description and tags to API output.


- When loading viewo subtitles, make sure file exists before attempting to get last modified time.

- Try to catch cases where linked file paths, in the description, don't start with a slash.


- Adding some logging for easier debugging.

- Back-porting minor change so info page shows correct CMS version.


- Add user whitelist on the SKU level to override any existing restrictions.


- Fixing issue with URLs to group and project wikis being wrong.


- Remove iPad app button from tool page.

- Changing incorrect usage of 'break

- Fixing path to included file.


- Fixing issue where primary authenticator was getting dropped if it was 'hubzero'

- Adding extra guards against possible XSS attacks. Attacks could center on manipulating the 'primary' and 'return' querystring values


- Removes redundant code.

- Fixes CSS bugs.

- Error messages for invalid expiration date.

- Delete .default.php.swo.

- Blank fields default to Unspecified.

- Fixes two views.

- Edit button active when published and unpublished

- Fixes reopen and delete button placement.

- Fixes bug where confirmscreen misaligns edit button.

- Only shows unpublish button to owner and fixes confirmscreen box.

- Changes layout of job view.

- Fixes bug where admin erases expiration date.

- Makes date in jobs view more readable.

- Fixes multiple views.

- Makes buttons look cleaner.

- Adds tooltip to unpublish button.

- Adds max expiration date.

- Improves edit, reapply, and withdraw buttons.

- Better edit button.


- fix behavior on error pages, add more safeguards.


- Replace newline characters with <br /> tags. Added to account for quotes created before replacement of newlines with <br /> tags was added in hubzero-cms 2.1.0 commit 46ae81c435fc3d8219e0e18d5a77c90490eff9fe


- Allow for unprefixed component and module directories, PHP 7 compatibility fixes, and some minor changes to config FileWriter to handle errors better.

- Updating URL for 'issues' to point to


  • HubzeroUtilityString was renamed to HubzeroUtilityStr due to "string" being a reserved word in PHP7. A stub HubzeroUtilityString class now extends HubzeroUtilityStr to maintain compatibility.

    Changes were made to prepare for PHP7 compatibility. The HubzeroUtilityString stub class is temporary to allow developers time to convert code. It will be removed in a later version of HUBzero.

  • HubzeroBaseObject was renamed to HubzeroBaseObj due to "object" being a reserved word in PHP7. A stub HubzeroBaseObject class now extends HubzeroBaseObj to maintain compatibility.

    Changes were made to prepare for PHP7 compatibility. The HubzeroBaseObject stub class is temporary to allow developers time to convert code. It will be removed in a later version of HUBzero.


Number of commits: 70
Number of Support Ticket Issues repaired: 14

Last modified:

  • Copyright © 2022 Hubzero
  • Powered by Hubzero®