


The controller is responsible for responding to user actions. In the case of a web application, a user action is (generally) a page request. The controller will determine what request is being made by the user and respond appropriately by triggering the model to manipulate the data appropriately and passing the model into the view. The controller does not display the data in the model, it only triggers methods in the model which modify the data, and then pass the model into the view which displays the data.

Creating the Front-end Controller

// No direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

class HelloControllerOne extends \Hubzero\Component\SiteController
	public function displayTask() 
		// Pass the view any data it may need
		$this->view->greeting = 'Hello, World!';
		// Set any errors
		if ($this->this->getError()) 
			foreach ($this->getErrors() as $error)
		// Output the HTML

The first, and most important part to note is that we're extending Hubzero\Component\SiteController which brings several tools and some auto-setup for us.

Note: Hubzero\Component\SiteController extends Hubzero\Base\Object, so all its methods and properties are available.

In the execute() method, the list of available tasks is built from only methods that are 1) public and 2) end in "Task". When calling a task, the "Task" suffix should be left off. For example:

// This route

// Refers to 
public function otherTask()

If no task is supplied, the controller will default to a task of "display". The default task can be set in the controller:

// No direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');


class HelloControllerOne extends  \Hubzero\Component\SiteController
	public function execute() 
		// Set the default task
		$this->registerTask('__default', 'mydefault');

		// Set the method to execute for other tasks
		// The following can be called by task=delete and will execute the removeTask method
		$this->registerTask('delete', 'remove');  // (task, method name);


Each controller extending Hubzero\Component\SiteController will have the following properties available:

  • _option - String, component name (e.g., com_example)
  • _controller - String, controller name
  • view - Object (JView)
  • config - Object (JRegistry), component config
  • database - Object (JDatabase)
  • juser - Object (JUser)
class HelloControllerOne extends \Hubzero\Component\SiteController
	public function displayTask() 
		$this->view->userName = $this->juser->get('name');

Auto-generation of views

The Hubzero\Component\SiteController automatically instantiates a new Hubzero\Component\View object for each task and assigns the component ($option) and controller ($controller) names as properties for use in your view. Controller names map to view directory and task names directly map to view names.

      /one  (controller name)

Example usage within a view:

<p>This is component <?php echo $this->option; ?> using controller: <?php echo $this->controller; ?></p>

Changing view layout

As mentioned above, the view object is auto-generated with the same layout as the current $task. There are times, however, when you may want to use a different layout or are executing a task after directing through from a previous task (example: saveTask encountering an error and falling through to the editTask to display the edit form with error message). The layout can easily be switched with the setLayout method.

      /one  (controller name)


class HelloControllerOne extends \Hubzero\Component\SiteController
	public function displayTask() 
		// Set the layout to 'world.php'
		// Output the HTML

Any assigned data or vars to the view will not be effected.

Creating the Admin Controller

Delete Edit Move up Move down

Administrator component controls are built the same and function the same as the Front-end (site) controllers with one key difference: they extends Hubzero\Component\AdminController.

// No direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

class ExampleControllerOne extends \Hubzero\Component\AdminController

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