Unlike components, which potentially can have multiple controllers, modules do not have a controller class. As such, the module directory structure doesn't include a /controllers
subdirectory or controller.php
. Instead, the setting of parameters, inclusion of any necessary files, and the instantiation of the module's view are done within the mod_{ModuleName}.php
Directory Structure & Files
The controller is stored in the same directory as the module file itself and must be named the same (the file extension being the obvious difference).
/hubzero /modules /{ModuleName} /tmpl default.php helper.php mod_{ModuleName}.php mod_{ModuleName}.xml
Most modules will perform three tasks in the following order:
- Include the
file which contains the class to be used to collect any necessary data - Invoke the appropriate helper class method to retrieve any data that needs to be available to the view
- Include the template to display the output
Here are the contents of mod_listnames.php
<?php // No direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); // Include the helper file require_once(dirname(__FILE__).DS.'helper.php'); // Get a parameter from the module's configuration $userCount = $params->get('usercount'); // Get the items to display from the helper $items = modListNamesHelper::getItems($userCount); // Include the template for display require(JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_listnames'));