

Install Apache Web Server

Install Apache Web Server

# apt-get install hubzero-apache2

The default apache web site should now work and display "It Works!"

Enable default SSL site

# a2ensite default-ssl
# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

The default apache ssl web site should now work (be sure to use https:// prefix) and display "It Works!"

The SSL certficate used by the default-ssl and (see next sections) the hub-ssl sites use the self signed "snakeoil" certificate that was installed by the ssl-cert package. This should only be used for testing and development. A commercial certificate should be purchased and installed for any site put into production.

Enable basic hub site

Enable the hub site, while disabling the apache default site.

# a2dissite default
# a2ensite hub
# /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

This configuration continues to use the default apache document root so the site should display the standard default "It Works!" page

It would be a good idea to restrict access to the web server via a firewall now. A web based installer will be installed later and it should only be accessed by the person setting up the site.

Enable basic hub SSL site

Enable the hub-ssl site, while disabling the default-ssl site.

# a2dissite default-ssl
# a2ensite hub-ssl
# /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

This configuration continues to use the default apache document root so the https site should display the standard default "It Works!" page

It would be a good idea to restrict access to the web server via a firewall now. A web based installer will be installed later and it should only be accessed by the person setting up the site.

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