

Customizing a Group's Look

  1. On your main page of the group, click on "Show Manager Controls" and click on "Customize Group".
  2. Use the box on the right side of the page to upload a photo. Choose that photo from the drop-down box in the "Group Logo" section.
  3. Choose the custom content option in the "Group Main Content" section to add your own description.
  4. Specify access to individual tabs within the group in the "Group Access" section by selecting the desired option to the right of item in the list.
  5. Click "Save Group Customization" to save your changes.
  6. To customize all the group pages at once, click on "Manage Group Pages" in the "Group Custom Content" section. This will take you different interface away from the group customization area, please save all other changes before making this customization.

Customizing a Group's Content

***Group Custom Content refers to user generated pages that can contain text, images, links, etc.***

Begin on your main page of the group, click on "Show Manager Controls" and click on "Customize Group" and then click on "Manage Group Pages" at the bottom of the page. And click ok to continue.

To create a new group page:

  1. Click on Add a New Group Page on the right.
  2. Enter a Page Title and page content. You may upload a file on the right in insert it into the page content using Wiki formatting.
  3. Choose the appropriate option for "Page Privacy"
  4. Click Add Page and your new page will be added as a sub-page of the groups Overview page.

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