Using cceHub components to build simple data exploration tools
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Several components developed as part of the cceHUB database project (namely com_dataview and com_form) were used to PROTOTYPE a new component supporting basic data exploration functions: the creation and display of frequency charts/tables, cross-tabulations, simple regressions, and correlation matrices.
These functions access individual tables already uploaded to databases accessible from the Hub; there is no provision at this time for uploading data that can then be explored, although tools for doing so have also been built using com_form, and could in principle serve that function.
This presentation would hope to identify interest among conference attendees to justify further development of the PROTOTYPE, since this software is not ready for deployment at this time.
For more information, including screen shots, see:
Michael works as a Principal Systems Analyst in the Advanced Biomedical IT Core within Indiana University's Pervasive Technology Institute. He has a background and considerable experience in Web development, the construction and management of computer networks, and High Performance Computing. He came to the Pervasive Technology Institute to work on the Centralized Life Sciences Database, a large collection of genomics data, and has worked most recently on a variety of projects related to the Semantic Web and Indiana's CTSI Hub, including installation of the Purdue Database tools, definition of prototype tools for performing simple analyses (frequencies, cross-tabulations, correlation matrices) of data in DB tables, the manipulation of data about science researchers organized by the Vivo Consortium, software for searching the local Clinical Trials database, and is currently exploring the REDCap plugin facility.