Hub Admin Media Mgr

by Chris C.

Video: 6 minutes 13 seconds media_manager.mp4 (18 MB, uploaded by 7 years 6 months ago)

Part 1: of new video WiP mediamanager.01.mp4 (13 MB, uploaded by 7 years 4 months ago)

The media manager controls the various images which are used throughout yourHUB. Once an image is added to the collection, you can use it on your site. This simple example will demonstrate howto add an image to the about page.

‘Super Administrator’ access is required to perform these steps. If you are already familiar with LOGIN AS AN ADMINISTRATOR and PROMOTE ANOTHER USER TO BE AN ADMIN then you are ready to continue.

  1. Open
  2. Login
  3. On the menubar at the top, hover your mouse over ‘Site’
  4. Click on ‘Media Manager’

The ‘Media Manager’ interface has a ‘Folders’ explorer in the left margin and a ‘Files’ explorer in the main window. The menubar at the top is used to switch between ‘Thumbnail View’ and ‘Detail View’.

The ‘Folders’ explorer in the left margin shows your collection as a directory tree. Expand or collapse the directory tree by clicking the plus or minus symbol to the left of any folder name. Clicking on a folder name will display the contents of the folder in the main window.

The ‘Files’ explorer has two view types, ‘Thumbnail View’ and ‘Detail View’.

In ‘Thumbnail View’ the ‘Image Name’ is displayed below the thumbnail. In ‘Detail View’ the ‘Image Name’ is displayed in the ‘Image Name’ column.

Click on a thumbnail to display the image in a pop up window or click on an ‘Image Name’ to display the image inside the ‘Files’ explorer window.

The green up arrow in the ‘Files’ explorer window is used to go up a level in the folder heirarchy.

Click ‘Detail View’ to see other information about the images. Currently, the size(in KiloBytes) of the image and its dimensions(Width x Height in pixels) are displayed.

There is a ‘Create Folder’ button in the upper-right corner of the ‘Files’ explorer window. Type a new folder name into the text box to the left of the ‘Create Folder’ button and then click the ‘Create Folder’ button. This will create a new folder inside your current folder.

There are two ways to delete an image from the ‘Media Manager’. Images can be deleted from the ‘Media Manager’ individually or as a group.

The white X in the red circle is the delete button.

To remove one image at a time, click the delete button associated with the image. In ‘Thumbnail View’ the delete button is below the thumbnail. In ‘Detail View’ the delete button in the fifth column.

Notice there is a checkbox to the right of the delete button. To remove more than one image at the same time, select the images by enabling the checkbox and then click the trashcan icon/delete button at the top of the window.

WORK IN PROGRESS: demonstrate adding an image to the media manager(broken), demonstrate embedding an image into an article.

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