Hub Administration Guide

Version 5
by (unknown)
Version 6
by (unknown)

Deletions or items before changed

Additions or items after changed

1 Welcome to your new hub! This guide will help you understand how to use the site as an administrator--how to change "about" pages, approve submissions, answer support tickets, etc.
3 For more details and further instruction in things we may not have covered here, we strongly recommend visiting the [ official Joomla! documentation].
5 For information on how to develop code and extensions for your hub, visit the [wiki:HubDeveloperGuide Hub Developer Guide].
7 === Getting Started ===
8 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Login Log in as an administrator]
9 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Promote Promote another user to also be an administrator]
11 === Customizing Your New Hub ===
12 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/About Edit "about" pages, terms of use, etc.]
13 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/MediaMgr Upload pictures that you can embed into "about" and other pages]
14 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Welcome Edit the "welcome" area on the home page]
15 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Banner Change the rotating banner on the home page]
16 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/FrontPage Change text or other components on the home page]
17 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Registration Change the information new users must supply when registering]
18 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/ResourceTypes Change the types of resources that users can contribute]
19 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/EventTypes Change categories of events on the public calendar]
20 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Metadata Change metadata exposed to search engines]
22 === Daily Maintenance ===
23 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Dashboard Keep an eye on the dashboard]
24 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Pending Approve pending resources]
25 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Tools Support tool contributions]
26 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Tickets Handle support tickets]
27 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Abuse Respond to reports of abuse]
28 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Store Fulfill orders in the site store]
29 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Quotes Publish success stories]
31 === How do I... ===
32 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Menu ...change items in the menu bar along the top of the site?]
33 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/NewPage ...add a new page to the site?]
34 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Resources ...fix spelling errors on a resource that a user has uploaded?]
35 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/ResourceUpload a user upload a huge resource file?]
36 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Tags ...fix spelling errors on tags, or delete useless tags?]
37 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Polls ...put up a poll question for the community?]
38 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Whois ...find the login or email address for a registered user?]
39 * [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Notice ...put up a notice that the site is going down for maintenance?]
40 -
* [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Points ...award points to a user that did something special to help?]
* [wiki:HubAdministrationGuide/Points ...award points to a user that did something special to help?]
41 +
* [wiki:WorkspaceandSubmitAccessControlThroughGroups ...securely control access to clusters?]
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