Porting HUBzero to RHEL6

By Edward B Duffy

Clemson University



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In this presentation we discuss our effort in porting the HUBzero platform from Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 "lenny" to Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.0, RHEL6. RHEL6 is the most commonly utilized enterprise-class Linux distribution, and is required by our University's data center to integrate with existing services for virtual machine management, firewall management, data backup management, system monitoring, and security updates. We have taken the open source HUBzero packages, available from hubzero.org, and repackaged them from Debian's .deb format to RHEL6's .rpm package format. Building RPM packages not only includes the required software and data files, but also post-installation scripts to properly configure the software in an RHEL6 environment and setting a YUM repository for hosting our RPM packages. During the talk, we will cover the issues involved in porting the HUBzero platform to different versions of OpenLDAP, MySQL, Apache, and OpenVZ than it was originally designed for. Finally, we will present a GitHub hosted repository of our RPM build scripts, so that other HUBzero users may easily contribute changes.


Edward Duffy is a computational scientist in Clemson Computing and Information Technology, the university's central IT organization. Duffy's primary responsibility is research support for the university's high-performance cluster, and high-throughput Condor grid. His research support duties range from teaching classes for researchers new to the cyberinfrastructure resources; sitting down with researchers one-on-one to optimize their experience with the resources; and developing web applications dedicated to running specific research tools on the computational resources. He has helped bring computation to researchers in almost every science and engineering department on campus, as well as researchers from the agriculture, forestry, psychology, and architecture departments. As a part of Clemson's University "Desktop to TeraGrid" project, Duffy has worked to bring Clemson's computational resource to researchers at other academic institutions across the state of South Carolina.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Edward B Duffy (2012), "Porting HUBzero to RHEL6," https://help.hubzero.org/resources/813.

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