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pharmaHUB is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation and is populated with content from the Engineering Research Center (ERC), the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology and Education (NIPTE), and the members of the pharmaHUB community. Dr. Reklaitis will talk about how pharmaHUB was formed to address the need for a community knowledge base for the creation and sharing of innovative tools and methods for engineering and manufacturing pharmaceutical products. He will share some thoughts on the overall experience of using the HUB technology and discuss some examples of tools and courses available on the hub that were contributed by pharmaHUB’s web-based community members.


Dr. Reklaitis is Edward W. Comings Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Professor of Industrial & Physical Pharmacy (by-courtesy) at Purdue University. He is the deputy director of the Engineering Research Center on Structured Organic Particulate Systems, a four university collaboration supported by the NSF and conducted in partnership with over 25 industrial members. At Purdue he has served as Assistant Dean of Engineering for Graduate Education and Research, Head of Chemical Engineering, Director of the Computer Integrated Process Operations Center and co-chair of the Pharmaceutical Technology and Education Center. He earned the BS ChE at Illinois Institute of Technology, MS and PhD from Stanford University and has held an NSF Postdoctoral fellowship (Zurich, Switzerland) and Senior Fulbright Lectureship (Vilnius, Lithuania). His expertise lies in process systems engineering, the application of information and computing technologies to process and product design, process operations and supply chain management. Current research interests includes model- based approaches to improving the design, development and manufacturing of pharmaceutical products. Specific current topics include the conversion from batch to continuous processing and the integration of models and quantitative risk metrics in quality by design methodology. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, fellow of AIChE, past Editor-in-Chief of Computers & Chemical Engineering and member of the editorial boards of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, and Computer Applications in Engineering Education. He has received the Computing in Chemical Engineering Award (AICHE), the ChE Lectureship Award (ASEE), the George Lappin Service Award (AIChE) and has been distinguished lecturer at a number of universities. He has served on the Board of Directors of AICHE, the Council for Chemical Research and the CACHE Corporation. He has published over 200 papers and book chapters and edited/authored eight books in these domains.

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  • Rex Reklaitis (2010), "pharmaHUB,"

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