KnowEnG: A knowledge engine for genomics
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I will describe our on-going work on development of “Knowledge Engine for Genomics” (KnowEnG), an E-science framework for genomics where biomedical scientists will have access to powerful methods of data mining, network mining, and machine learning to extract knowledge out of genomics data. The scientist will come to KnowEnG with their own data sets in the form of spreadsheets and ask KnowEnG to analyze those data sets in the light of a massive knowledge base of community data sets called the “Knowledge Network” that will be at the heart of the system. Associated discovery projects aimed at testing the utility of KnowEnG span a broad range of subjects, from pharmacogenomics to transcriptomics of social behavior. We are using HubZero as the framework for constructing KnowEnG.
Saurabh Sinha
Saurabh Sinha is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and the Institute of Genomic Biology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science (2002) from the University of Washington, Seattle, and did post-doctoral work under Prof. Eric Siggia at the Rockefeller University in New York. Prof. Sinha’s research interests include regulatory genomics and evolution. He also serves as the co-Director of the NIH-funded BD2K Center of Excellence at UIUC.
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