Expedition Antioquia, a hub to promote richness and diversity for equity in Antioquia

By Juan Guillermo Lalinde1; Juan Pineda1; Leidy Lorena Alzate-Vargas (presenter)1

1. Universidad EAFIT



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Antioquia is one of Colombian departments (states) characterized by its richness, its diversity and, unfortunately, its inequity. Expedition Antioquia, is a research program involving more than 10 universities in the region, with the objective of become a hub for information about Antioquia and make it available to everybody so it can be use as a base for public policy to decrease inequity. This is a program of long-range research that identifies and inventory the material and immaterial wealth of Antioquia in Colombia, improving the knowledge of our territory and the construction of a geographical and historical consciousness that allows to have references and common goals. This will make proposals for the use of these natural resources for the development of the region, where the scientific community contribute their skills and contribute actively in building a future for the people with equity. During project implementation, there have been 63 investigations and 40 are ongoing.

The Antioquia Expedition fronts are:

- Biodiversity and Natural Resources
- Engineering, Resources and Development
- Economy, Society and Culture
- Global Change

ExpedicionAntioquia.org is a space to materialize the results of the various investigations, providing a platform where researchers can manage all the resources associated with their projects and research, taking private and public spaces which facilitate collaborative work, publication and dissemination results to citizens and other researchers. The main purpose of this platform is enhance the communication channels between different thematics that comprehend all the Expedition Antioquia Project thus ensuring interdisciplinarity.
This hub is still under construction.


Presenter: Leidy Lorena Alzate-Vargas

Leidy is a senior undergraduate student of Engineering Physics at Universidad EAFIT. She is currently involved as a research student in Materials Engineering Department under the supervision of Alejandro Strachan at Purdue University.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Juan Guillermo Lalinde; Juan Pineda; Leidy Lorena Alzate-Vargas (2013), "Expedition Antioquia, a hub to promote richness and diversity for equity in Antioquia," https://help.hubzero.org/resources/1020.

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Nikki Huang

Purdue University


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