Purdue NExT: Your Expertise Evolved

By Steve Dunlop1; Thomas Haley-Hermiz1

1. Purdue University



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This presentation takes participants through the highlights of the recently reconfigured HUBzero Learning Management System (LMS) by exploring Purdue NExT. Purdue NExT utilizes the HUBzero technology to move beyond the Massive Online Open Course, or MOOC model, to a self-sustaining business model for creating and offering (non-credit) courses with a high level of interactivity and academic rigor.

The Purdue NExT initiative has been in progress since August 2012, with the first utilization of the Hub and the LMS in May 2013. From its inception, Purdue NExT has been working with professors and industry professionals to create educational materials for a wide variety of fields with a particular focus is the use of two way interactions using simulations and visualizations to increase learning. Each course created provides students the opportunity of earning a Purdue NExT badge and certificate of completion. Purdue NExT is currently working with over twenty-five faculty members on thirty different badges. The faculty and courses cover a wide range of disciplines and represent nearly all the major colleges on campus. The varied fields of study often bring their own set of tools to the academic stage. With the Purdue NExT system, many of these tools are accessible and more are being developed and implemented. The collaborative environment provided by the LMS allows for these educational tools to not only reach a larger population of students but educators as well.

This presentation covers topics from collaboration to education, discusses the progress leading up to this point, a current state of affairs, and what to look forward to in both the new HUBzero Learning Management System and Purdue NExT.


Steve Dunlop is the Managing Director for Purdue NExT, he leads a team of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students in the design, development and deployment of various badges (5 week courses) for Purdue University. Currently these courses are being offered internationally and within the Purdue community. His prior experience includes management roles for a variety of grants and education areas. Prior to Purdue he held various roles in finance, logistics, training and manufacturing.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Steve Dunlop; Thomas Haley-Hermiz (2013), "Purdue NExT: Your Expertise Evolved," https://help.hubzero.org/resources/1010.

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Nikki Huang

Purdue University


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