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Research Question
How will different amounts of weed killer affect different types of seeds?

Research Predictions
We think it will affect the rye grass the most because it is a type of grass.
We predict that the more weed killer the more affected the plant will be.

Experimental Design
We are going to grow 6 seeds of each of the plants in petri dishes. Make two pots for each type of seed with 6 in each of those. We will water all of the plants and spray the one that we are testing with half weed killer with diluted weed killer. As the plants grow we will see how the weed killer affects the germination.
Materials List:
- Soybean, Rye grass, and Pearl millet seeds. 12 of each
- 6 1 cup cups
- Weed Killer
- half weed killer bottle
- water
- ruler
- paper towels
- gloves
- googles

Research Conclusions
The weed killer did effect the plants. The plants did not grow well and some rotted. We don't suggest putting weed killer on your plants. We were wrong about the rye grass being effected the most. It was actually the soybean. The soybean rotted and did not grow very tall.


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