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    Consider extra-linguistic factors in transcription

    In science, in contrast to journalism, it is common that really everything is transcribed. This includes gestures, facial expressions, pitch, volume, dialects and so on.

    Depending on the research area you are in and what is relevant to your work, you should include some of these factors. For example, if you are making a sarcastic statement, it might be important to write down gestures or facial expressions.

    Clearing the throat, long pauses in conversation or even laughter can also be very important in correct analysis.

    If in doubt, consult with your supervisor about how detailed you should be. In individual cases, however, you can also rely on your personal judgement. You have conducted the interview and are in the best position to judge what should be transcribed for proper understanding.

    If you are only referring to the of what was said, a simplified transcription is sufficient, where you transcribe everything into standard German with correct punctuation and commas.

    Never underestimate the time required
    The time required depends very much on how many extra-linguistic factors you have to take into account. A complex linguistic transcription of one hour of spoken word can take five to ten hours to write down.

    Students often underestimate 'typing' and put it off for a long time. But even if you limit yourself to only what is explicitly said, not only is typing time-consuming, but rewinding and proofreading, as well as the subsequent structure and layout of your transcript, can take an unexpectedly long time.

    As a rule, it is best to get the transcription of your interview over with as quickly as possible. That way you still have everything in your head, have less to think about and save time.

    Even with other audio material, it is never a bad idea to work intensively on the transcription right at the beginning. This will benefit you throughout your work and prevent surprises at the end.

    Be sure to set your mobile phone to airplane mode during the recording. Otherwise you risk having the interview interrupted by a sudden phone call and your recording possibly being disturbed or interrupted.

    Background noise should be blocked out as much as possible. So a noisy café on a main road is not such a good idea. Position your phone so that all parties can be heard. If you are unsure, do a quick test before you start.

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