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  • Biography


    Joseph Loschmidt

    Joseph Loschmidt was an Austrian physicist and chemist. He did research in the fields of thermodynamics and electrodynamics, optics and crystallography - do my php assignment , among others.

    He also succeeded for the first time in calculating the average of molecules using the kinetic theory of gases. The particle number per mole - chemistry problem solver (today the amount of substance N) derived from this is also known as the Loschmidt number.

    The time in which he lived

    Joseph Loschmidt was born into a time of great political change. The French Revolution at the end of the 18th century had come to a successful end and also influenced the development of other European countries.

    The political changes were also accompanied by economic changes. The industrial revolution, which had already begun in England in the second half of the 18th century, was now also felt in Germany.

    Mechanical engineering emerged as a new branch of industry, producing lathes, drilling machines and presses - do my assignments for me . The number of coke ovens grew and new processes were developed. Large cities and industrial centres with large-scale factories sprang up. From 1835 the first railway line was in operation between Nuremberg and Fürth, followed four years later by the Leipzig - Dresden line.

    The Bessemer process of 1861, the Siemens-Martin process of 1869 and the Thomas process introduced in 1878 brought about great changes in the iron industry and enabled the production of new and better machines.

    In 1866 Werner Siemens developed the electrodynamic principle. This made it possible to run electric current through high-voltage lines from 1882. A new branch of industry, the electrical industry, emerged, producing electric motors, dynamo machines, cables, switchgear, light bulbs, etc.

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