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Dazhi Jiao

submit_target not found in resources


I installed submit and when I run submit from command line, it shows an error message “Server connection list empty. Check resources file.”

I looked at the source code of /usr/bin/submit. It checks the resources files for some parameters such as “submit_target”. However, I looked at the resources file in my session directory, and it has no such parameters.

I’ve started submit_server and submon from /etc/init.d. Is there anything else I need to run before I run the command line “submit” tool?


Dazhi Jiao

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2 Responses

  1. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Alisa Neeman

    I don’t know if it will help, but below are my submit install notes for the roll-your-own hub. You could check and see if you’ve missed anything.

    Notes on installing submit on a roll-your-own hub.

    Make sure submit’s ports are available. ———-

    a. Edit /etc/hubzero/maxwell.conf add

    visualization_params=”“” submit_target tcp:// “”“

    b. edit /opt/submit/config to contain info as below. (The data you’re looking for is the same as in maxwell.conf)

    mysql_host = “localhost” mysql_user = “your_hub_name” mysql_password = “your_mysql_password” mysql_db = “your_hub_name”

    ldap_hosts = “” ldap_basedn = “dc=your_hub_name,dc=org” ldap_user_dn = “uid=%s,ou=users,dc=your_hub_name,dc=org”

    listen_ports =

    load_limit = 600 load_horizon = 86400 load_halflife = 3600

    c. Open the ports on debian’s firewall using iptables command Check by iptables -L

    you should see Chain INPUT (policy DROP) target prot opt source destination ACCEPT tcp — anywhere anywhere tcp dpts:830:831 : Chain FORWARD (policy DROP) target prot opt source destination ACCEPT tcp — anywhere anywhere tcp dpts:830:831

    d. remove /etc/submit/config. (submit should be using /opt/submit/config instead).

    Edit /opt/submit/sites.dat as described by the current documentation——

    Here’s an example entry

    clustername venues = remotePpn = 8 remoteBatchSystem = PBS remoteUser = your_hub_username remoteManager = mpi venueMechanism = ssh remoteScratchDirectory = /path/to/scratch/hubname siteMonitorDesignator = clustername arbitraryExecutableAllowed = False checkProbeResult = False restrictedToGroups = clustergroup logUserRemotely = True

    Set up cluster landing pad ——————————————

    1.Create a bin directory in the hub’s home directory on the cluster landing pad. It should contain with the following

    2. Create a directory in the hub’s home directory on the cluster landing pad named Submit. It should contain monitorPBS.history log/monitorPBS.log

    (it may be named something else if you use a batch system other than PBS)

    3. create a directory named log in the hub’s home directory on the cluster landing pad.

    Send the RSA public key to your cluster’s landing pad —————

    For the current package installer, the key can be found in /opt/submit/.ssh

    Start the submit server ———————————-

    For the current install run

    sudo /etc/init.d/submit-server start sudo /etc/init.d/submon start sudo /etc/init.d/subtun start

    Test it —————————

    open a workspace and type

    submit -v yourcluster touch foo

    you should see queueing system feeback. It should create a file named foo with no data inside.

    In a shell, use netstat to check if port 830 is being used

    check the logs. In the current install you want to check

    /var/log/submit/submit.log /var/log/submit/distributor/distributor.log


    tail -n 40 /var/log/submit/distributor/distributor.log

    note: submit-server copies the submit rsa key to /tmp/id.uniqueid then runs ssh -T -x -a -i /tmp/id.uniqueid so that’s what you’ll see in the logs.

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  2. 0 Like 0 Dislike

    Alisa Neeman

    Another attempt with wiki syntax..

    Notes on installing submit on a roll-your-own hub.

    Make sure submit’s ports are available.

    a. Edit /etc/hubzero/maxwell.conf


    submit_target tcp://

    b. edit /opt/submit/config to contain info as below.

    (The data you’re looking for is the same as in maxwell.conf)

    mysql_host = "localhost"

    mysql_user = "your_hub_name"

    mysql_password = "your_mysql_password"

    mysql_db = "your_hub_name"

    ldap_hosts = [ "" ]

    ldap_basedn = "dc=your_hub_name,dc=org"

    ldap_user_dn = "uid=%s,ou=users,dc=your_hub_name,dc=org"

    listen_ports = [ "tcp://:830" ]

    load_limit = 600

    load_horizon = 86400

    load_halflife = 3600

    c. Open the ports on debian’s firewall using iptables command

    Check by

    iptables -L

    you should see

    Chain INPUT (policy DROP)

    target prot opt source destination

    ACCEPT tcp — anywhere anywhere tcp dpts:830:831


    Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)

    target prot opt source destination

    ACCEPT tcp — anywhere anywhere tcp dpts:830:831

    d. remove /etc/submit/config. (submit should be using /opt/submit/config instead).

    —- Edit /opt/submit/sites.dat as described by the current documentation—

    Here’s an example entry


    venues =

    remotePpn = 8

    remoteBatchSystem = PBS

    remoteUser = your_hub_username

    remoteManager = mpi

    venueMechanism = ssh

    remoteScratchDirectory = /path/to/scratch/hubname

    siteMonitorDesignator = clustername

    arbitraryExecutableAllowed = False

    checkProbeResult = False

    restrictedToGroups = clustergroup

    logUserRemotely = True

    Set up cluster landing pad ———-

    1.Create a bin directory in the hub’s home directory on the cluster landing pad. It should contain with the following

    2. Create a directory in the hub’s home directory on the cluster landing pad named Submit. It should contain

    monitorPBS.history log/monitorPBS.log

    (it may be named something else if you use a batch system other than PBS)

    3. create a directory named log in the hub’s home directory on the cluster landing pad.

    —————- Send the RSA public key to your cluster’s landing pad —————

    For the current package installer, the key can be found in /opt/submit/.ssh

    Start the submit server ———————————-

    For the current install run

    sudo /etc/init.d/submit-server start

    sudo /etc/init.d/submon start

    sudo /etc/init.d/subtun start

    ——Test it ———-

    open a workspace and type

    submit -v yourcluster touch foo

    you should see queueing system feeback. It should create a file named foo with no data inside.

    In a shell, use netstat to check if port 830 is being used

    check the logs. In the current install you want to check

    /var/log/submit/submit.log /var/log/submit/distributor/distributor.log


    tail -n 40 /var/log/submit/distributor/distributor.log

    note: submit-server copies the submit rsa key to /tmp/id.uniqueid then runs

    ssh -T -x -a -i /tmp/id.uniqueid

    so that’s what you’ll see in the logs.

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