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Brian Rohler

Emails setup for Q&A (Q&A group?)

Is there a way to associate a group to the Q&A module? We want to replace a mailing list on with our new NEEShub Q&A module. The problem is our users like and want to receive an email if a question or reply has been submitted (just like they currently get from the mailing list today). If there was a way to create a Q&A group and have users who would like this feature be added to the group then this would satisfy this requirement.

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    There is currently no functionality like you suggest. I am not sure the Q&A feature is the best fit for what you describe. Probably an email gateway to the group forums would be a better solution. I think the need for new email gateways into the HUBzero platform is building into a critical need so I expect to see some movement in this area in the near future.

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