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Leigh Noble

What is the Site/Global Configuration/Environment setting for?

I have looked on the web and in various Joomla! documentation and on this website’s documentation and nowhere can I find what the Site/Global Configuration/Environment setting is for. Is this specific to the Hubzero flavor of Joomla?

What does the Site->Global Configuration->Environment setting do? What is the difference between the “Production”, “Staging”, “Testing”, and “Development” settings? How does choosing one versus the other affect my website?

It seems like this should be added to the documentation somewhere.

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    Shawn Rice

    Yes, this configuration is specific to HUBzero.

    Some code and display options will only be available/work under certain environments. For example, there is a module that will display a thin, color coded bar at the top of the site depending upon the site’s environment: red = development, yellow = testing, no bar = production, etc. This is more for developers than anything else. Typically, we have dev, stage, and production machines but all run the same template and generally look exactly the same. The module serves as a quick, easy way of identifying which site you’re currently looking at, especially when (us) developers have multiple tabs open with multiple environments running.

    Also, as mentioned, the environment configuration can effect how certain code operates. For instance, when running under “development”, the site regenerates/rebuild the cached system stylesheet on every page load. This is not ideal for a production environment as it adds extra processing and time to the page.

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