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Andrew Rakowski

Is RedHat RHEL-6.7 HUBzero installation supported, and is HUB-1.1 to 1.3 upgrade possible?

Just wondering when HUBzero for RedHat will be out of beta and ready for use.  We are a large RedHat shop, very few folks around here are familiar with Debian, and our Linux support infrastructure is in place for Redhat (including in-house Satellite server for package management, etc.)

I looked at the Installation documentation ( today, and HUBzero packaging for RedHat is still listed as "beta", with the RedHat version listed as 6.5 - the RedHat RHEL-6.6 was released in October of 2014, and RHEL-6.7 was released at the end of July-2015.  While I don't expect there would be many issues with the newer (6.7) release, I'd like to verify that before giving the new HUBzero packaging a test flight.

Additionally, since we're still running a HUBzero-1.1 installation on Debian-6.x, we would like to be able to migrate that HUB to a newer release (HUBzero-v1.3.x), preferably on the RHEL-6.x platform.  Is this possible, and if so, are there directions and/or tools to help in accomplishing it?

Thanks for any info you can provide.

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1 Responses

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    The RedHat release is still in beta and will remain so until we start deploying it in our production environment (I expect that to happen within the next 12 months). I would recommend remaining with Debian. There is no self-service upgrade path from 1.1. You can contract with the HUBzero Foundation to do the upgrade for you or advise you in the process (see 

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