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Jeanette M Sperhac

What does admin approval for user registration do?

In the admin panel under Users -> Options I changed "new user activation" from Self to Admin so newly registered users can't activate their accounts and use the hub without admin permission.

At least this was the intent--the option does not appear to work that way. Can anybody explain what this option does? Is there a way to require that new users be approved/activated by an admin?


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    Claire Stirm

    Hi Jeanette,

    You are correct in your observation. Administrator approval of user accounts is an alternate way to give help users activate their account. Users can still be on the Hub and submit support tickets, but this can be helpful if you are only activating accounts if users submit the correct credentials. If you look on the backend, after changing the activation permission from "Self" to "Admin", the new accounts will have a cancel symbol under the "Approved" column. If you have users that join that are spammers or not using your hub correctly you can always remove all permissions of logging in by blocking their account which can be changed in the User Manager under the "Enabled" column from a check symbol to a cancel symbol. Hopefully this answers your question!

    All the best,


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