Workspace and Submit Access Control Through Groups

Version 35
by (unknown)
Version 36
by (unknown)

Deletions or items before changed

Additions or items after changed

1 When you get a new hub, by default everyone gets a workspace and can submit jobs to
2 your attached cluster(s). This means that the user can run many different
3 commands both on your hub and on your clusters, in addition to
4 the software applications your hub provides.
6 For some sites, this causes security issues, so you may wish to limit access to the
7 software the user can execute and the clusters he or she can submit jobs too. Usually
8 only tool developers need workspace access.
10 == Limiting Workspace Access ==
12 The first thing to do is to ask HUBzero staff to '''change the default to not provide workspace
13 access'''.
15 The user will still be able to run portal applications and pick up their output files
16 by sftp or webdav.
18 Then, to give users a workspace:
20 * login to the Joomla interface
21 * select Components/Groups
22 +
23 * locate the app-workspace (Workspace Development) group, click Total Members
24 * add users as appropriate
25 -
27 == Limiting Submit Access ==
29 There are several aspects to submit access control.
31 # Allow a user run a HUB application that gets submitted
32 as a job to a cluster.
33 # Allow a user run standard unix and shell commands as jobs submitted
34 to a cluster, even something as simple as '''echo hello'''
35 # Allow a user stage his or her own executable to a cluster and run it.
37 === Getting Started ===
38 To set access control, you will need to be a member of the group name ''apps''.
39 Membership will give you write permissions
40 on the files ''/opt/submit/sites.dat'' and ''/opt/submit/tools.dat'' and on your HUB.
41 You can add yourself through the Joomla interface as described above. It can take
42 a day before the change propagates through the system.
44 It is a good default to limit the user to running HUB applications.
45 To limit a user to only running HUB applications, ask the submit rules be
46 tightened so that if a user is not in group submit they can
47 '''only run staged applications or executables from ''/apps/'''''. These executables
48 are under control of group ''apps'' thus providing some oversight for the application code.
50 ==== To limit the clusters a user can run on ====
52 Whether running submit from a workspace or HUB applications, you
53 may want to limit the supercomputing sites that a user can run on.
54 You first need to create a group for each cluster. For example,
55 the HUB has three groups: ''ccr'' (Center for Computational Research),
56 ''ccni'' (Computational Center for Nanotechnology Innovations) and
57 ''sbbnl'' (Stony Brook/Brookhaven National Lab).
59 Next, edit sites.dat
61 For each cluster, add a line to restrict use of the application to the
62 site group associated with the cluster with '''restrictedToGroups = groupname''', e.g.
65 u2-grid
66 venues =
67 remotePpn = 2
68 remoteBatchSystem = PBS
69 remoteUser = hpc2
70 remoteManager = mpi
71 venueMechanism = ssh
72 remoteScratchDirectory = /san/scratch/grid/grid-tmp/grid-data/hpc2/hpc2jobs/
73 siteMonitorDesignator = u2-grid
74 arbitraryExecutableAllowed = False
75 checkProbeResult = False
76 restrictedToGroups = ccr
79 Then you can invite the user to join groups for clusters on which
80 she'll be able to run applications.
82 === To limit where the user can run a specific application ===
84 An application may be run at more than one site, but you wish to direct a user's
85 run to one particular site.
87 You will need to edit ''/opt/submit/tools.dat'' to set each execution to match one site.
88 Below is an example. If the user is in group ''ccni'', lammps will run on ccni's opteron cluster.
89 If the user is in group ''ccr'', lammps will run on ccr's cluster.
92 lammps
93 destinations = u2-grid
94 executablePath = lmp_linux
95 remoteManager = u2-grid_lammps
96 restrictedToGroups = ccr
98 lammps
99 destinations = rpi-opteron
100 executablePath = ${HOME}/apps/lammps/bin/lmp_opteron
101 remoteManager = rpi-opteron_lammps
102 restrictedToGroups = ccni
105 === To prevent a user from running arbitrary shell commands on a cluster through submit ===
107 Users who have a workspace can submit jobs to clusters.
108 Ask the HUB staff to tighten the range of submit jobs so
109 restrictions by user or group can be specified for sites as well as
110 tools. (The keywords and parameters will be specified in sites.dat in
111 the same fashion as tools.dat.)
113 Open the file '' /opt/submit/sites.dat'' on your HUB.
114 For each cluster name, add or change the setting '''arbitraryExecutableAllowed''' to '''False'''.
116 Then you can add users who have a workspace to the group ''submit''.
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