Hub Admin Promote

by Chris C.

(SuperAdministratorAccess not found)

Video: 20090316-promote_another_user_to_also_be_an_administrator.mp4 (17 MB, uploaded by 7 years 4 months ago)

These steps show how to promote another user to also be an administrator on yourHUB.


  • Type username,password (of a super administrator)

User Manager

  • Select “User Manager” from the ‘Site’ drop down menu


  • Type the username you wish to promote into the ‘Filter’ text input box.


  • Click on the username you wish to promote

(UserDetails not found)

  • In the “User Details” area, choose “Super Administrator” from the ‘Group’ drop-down menu.


  • Click Apply
  • Read “Successfully saved changes to User: Full Name”


  • Click Close
  • Read “Super Administrator” as the Group for the promoted username
  • Click Logout
  • Login as promoted user

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