Help: Includes

Includes are standard wiki pages whose content is designed to be transcluded (embedded) inside other pages. Any wiki page may be an include. To include content from another wiki page, use the following syntax:

For example, say you had a page named Welcome with the following content:

And then you created a page named Test and had the following text:

This is a test of includes! The “welcome” text, typically found to the right of the Flash banner on the home page is a module. To edit this module (or any module): First login to the administrative back-end. Once logged in, find “Extensions” in the main menu bar located toward the top of the page. You should be presented with a drop-down menu containing items such as “Module Manager”, “Plugin Manager”, etc. Choose “Module Manager” from the available options. (Image(edit_module_01.png) failed - File not found) You should now be presented with a list of all the modules installed on your site. There are a variety of methods to find the specific module you wish to edit: you can filter by selecting position, type, or even state (enabled, disabled). The welcome module would be in position “welcome” and of type “mod_custom”. You may also search for “welcome” in the filter search box or scroll to the bottom of the page and navigate your way through the entire list. Since modules are alphabetically sorted by their position by default, “welcome” will most likely be on the last page of results. Once found, click the module name to edit it. (Image(edit_module_02.png) failed - File not found) Once in edit mode you will be presented with some options such as the title, position, etc. To edit the actual content of the module, scroll down until you see a large text area called “Custom Output”. (Image(edit_module_03.png) failed - File not found) Edit the HTML/text to be outputted. (Image(edit_module_04.png) failed - File not found) Scroll back to the top of the page and click “Save” (the icon that looks like a floppy disk) in the upper right portion of the page. (Image(edit_module_05.png) failed - File not found) Your changes should now be applied and immediately viewable on the front page. Back to the Administration Guide That should have included the Welcome page.
}}} The final output would look like: {{{
This is a test of includes! Hello! Welcome to the wiki. That should have included the Welcome page.
}}} Any changes to an included page will be reflected on all the pages it is included. So, if you’re welcome page is included on 100 pages and you decide to change the message to simply “Hi!”, all 100 pages will reflect the change.

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