Tags: cyberinfrastructure

Seminars (1-9 of 9)

  1. Adding Rappture to MATLAB Applications

    21 Jun 2009 | | Contributor(s):: Michael McLennan

    Rappture is the Rapid application infrastructure, a toolkit within the HUBzero platform that makes it easy to develop a graphical user interface for scientific modeling tools. MATLAB is a powerful commercial tool which supports simulation and modeling across a wide range of science and...

  2. Advanced Rappture Concepts

    05 Apr 2010 | | Contributor(s):: Michael McLennan

    Rappture is the Rapid APPlication infrastrucTURE, a toolkit within the HUBzero platform that makes it easy to develop a graphical user interface for scientific modeling tools.This talk picks up where "More Rappture Objects" left off, showing some of the more advanced constructs in Rappture. Use...

  3. HUBzero: A Platform for Scientific Research, Education, and Collaboration

    20 Mar 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Michael McLennan

    HUBzero® is an open source software platform used to build web sites for collaboration in an academic setting.  HUBzero supports data management, computation, and the natural synergy between education and research.  This talk gives an overview of the platform, showing how it...

  4. Introduction to Scientific Programming in MATLAB

    21 Jun 2009 | | Contributor(s):: Michael McLennan

    MATLAB is a powerful commercial tool which supports simulation and modeling across a wide range of science and engineering applications. Octave is an open source clone put out by GNU. Both tools make it extremely easy to express mathematical equations in a high-level programming language, and...

  5. Rappture with C and Fortran

    05 Apr 2010 | | Contributor(s):: Michael McLennan

    Rappture is the Rapid APPlication infrastrucTURE, a toolkit within the HUBzero platform that makes it easy to develop a graphical user interface for scientific modeling tools. Many such tools are written in C and Fortran.This talk picks up where "Introducing the Rappture Toolkit" left off,...

  6. Rappture with C and Fortran

    21 Jun 2009 | | Contributor(s):: Michael McLennan

    Rappture is the Rapid application infrastructure, a toolkit within the HUBzero platform that makes it easy to develop a graphical user interface for scientific modeling tools. Many such tools are written in C and Fortran.This talk picks up where Introducing the Rappture Toolkit and Review of...

  7. Uploading and Publishing New Tools

    02 Apr 2011 | | Contributor(s):: Michael McLennan

    HUBzero lets you access simulation tools online via an ordinary web browser. Where do the tools come from? From you--hundreds of you throughout the world who are developing simulation and modeling tools for your hub. Anyone can upload their own code onto a hub and publish a tool for a limited...

  8. Uploading and Publishing New Tools

    05 Apr 2010 | | Contributor(s):: Michael McLennan

    HUBzero lets you access simulation tools online via an ordinary web browser. Where do the tools come from? From you--hundreds of you throughout the world who are developing simulation and modeling tools for your hub. Anyone can upload their own code onto a hub and publish a tool for a limited...

  9. Using Workspaces to Develop Tools

    05 Apr 2010 | | Contributor(s):: Michael McLennan

    One of the most powerful tools on any hub is something we call a workspace, which is a full-featured Linux desktop that you can access any time, any place, from your web browser. Workspaces are fully loaded with the latest open source software, including HUBzero's own Rappture toolkit, Octave, a...

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