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Leigh Noble

Should the sites-m4 files be edited by hand to change installation configuration settings?

With the 1.2 version of the open source hub, what is the correct way to pass variables, such as the location of SSL certificates, to the configuration script?

The /etc/apache2/sites-available/myhubname and myhubname-ssl files say the following:

# This file is automatically generated from /etc/apache2/sites-m4/myhubname
# and can get recreated on demand by 'hzcms' and other tools

So, I see the /etc/apache2/sites-m4/myhubname and myhubname-ssl files and wonder if editing them is the best way to change parameters?

In order to change parameters that pertain to my particular hub installation (such as the location of the SSL certificate), I edited the /etc/apache2/sites-m4/myhubname-ssl file (to show the correct directory and file name) and then typed hzcms reconfigure myhubname to recreate the /etc/apache2/sites-available/myhubname-ssl file with the correct information for my hub. This seemed to work. However, I wasn't totally sure this is the correct way to change settings for a hub and wondered if the /etc/apache2/sites-m4/myhubname-ssl file might get rewritten during some upgrade process.

Is there a the recommended method for setting the parameters that are controlled in the /etc/apache2/sites-available files? Is editing that file the right way to go?

(I see someone has added a wishlist question #420 "hzcms to ask for some info about SSL on install" requesting that the hzcms would ask for various parameters during configuration.)

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    You got it exactly right. I'm mildly surprised that the reconfigure method was there and working, but thats exactly what I intended it for.

    As time progresses I'll try to add more hzcms commands to add some common configuration options (like SSL certs) but for now editing the m4 files is correct way.


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