Why so many records in jos_redirect_links?
I have just noticed a large number of records (130,000 on a hub with ~300 registered users) in my hub database's jos_redirect_links table. This appears to be the backend table for the Joomla component com_redirect, which has never been enabled. While I first thought that my site has been hacked, I have been looking into this. I'm hoping somebody can chime in and reassure me!
I've found information that indicates how Joomla intended this functionality: https://docs.joomla.org/Help34:Components_Redirect_Manager
And more indicating it's safe to clear out the database table: http://www.eugenesivokon.com/how-to-purge-all-unnecessary-urls-of-joomla-redirect-component
Any remarks about this? Is it true that even the disabled com_redirect component stores records in this table, to account for pages that do not exist on my site?
I may be starting to understand why HZ decided to write its own CMS! :-) What a nightmare!
Thanks much!
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Jeanette M Sperhac @ on
Just a few remarks to clarify my question:
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Jeanette M Sperhac @ on
Thanks, Nick! It makes me feel a lot better...
I find that I can make my hub throw error 500 by giving it a truly wacky url. These bad links then get inserted into the table under old_url. So I'll just empty it out.
Best regards and thanks again!
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