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Jeanette M Sperhac

Understanding and testing the antispam plugins

I've just enabled several of the antispam plugins (v1.3.1) and want to understand them better. Presumably the way these plugins work is as follows:

  1. User submits content and the content is submitted to each antispam service via the enabled Hubzero plugins.
  2. If content fails any spam filter, the user's spammer reputation (an integer representing count of spam hits) is incremented and the content is not posted.
  3. After 5 spam hits in one session, or 10 spam hits (lifetime):
    1. any additional submitted content from the user is banned
    2. user is blocked from logging in. (I'd like to see this though it does not seem to be implemented; I could consider adding some custom functionality to com_users)

I'd like to test these plugins (For example: while I can test spamd/spamc on the command line, I'd like to verify they're working under hubzero), and understand how spam content gets logged, where spam content gets saved (if anywhere), and whether there are reports on user spam counts (this would make a nice admin module). Need to look through the source code in more depth (but I'd appreciate any tips!).

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1 Responses

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    Jeanette M Sperhac

    1.3.1 does have a testing interface in the Administrator interface, under Components:Support:Reports:Spam Check.

    The 2.0 documentation describes it as follows:

    A form with a single text box will be present. Paste content into the box and click the "Check" button in the toolbar. The interface should update to display a list of all anti-spam plugins the content was passed through and the results of said plugins.

    It appears that each enabled plugin increments the user's count in jos_user_reputation--if there are 5 or more positive spam reports in one session, no more posts are accepted from the user.

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