== What Is HUBzero? == HUBzero is an open source software platform for building powerful Web sites that support scientific discovery, learning, and collaboration. Some refer to such web sites as “collaboratories” supporting “team science.” We call them “hubs” because each site becomes a focal point for its user community. [[YouTube(p_hpwoiXvEE)]] [[BR]] [[BR]] [[BR]] == Hands-On Introduction == This brief session guides participants through the process of uploading materials and sharing them on a hub. The general process works the same way on all hubs. For these exercises, we'll use the hubzero.org site, which is also a hub. === Exercises === === Reference Materials === ||>. '''HUBzero Overview''' || '''[[File(1-overview.pdf,desc="slides")]]''' [[BR]]Brief introduction to the HUBzero Platform || ||>. '''Publishing Digital Assets''' || '''[[File(2-resources.pdf,desc="slides")]]''' [[BR]]Upload and publish your own files || ||>. '''Projects and Data Management''' || '''[[File(3-projects.pdf,desc="slides")]]''' [[BR]]Create private collaboration areas for data management || ||>. '''Collecting and Sharing Information''' || '''[[File(4-collections.pdf,desc="slides")]]''' [[BR]]Post information informally, and gather your own collections ||