

How to Activate GeoSearch

GeoSearch is a component that allows users to view other members, organizations, events, and even job postings on one map. Users can scroll over each pin and click a link to view the pin in more detail.


  1. Log into the administrator side of the Hub
  2. Go to Extensions and click Plugin Manager from the drop-down
  3. In the Plugin Manager search for CRON - GeoSearch
  4. Open the plugin and then enable the plugin
  5. Click Save & Close to save this change
  6. In the Plugin Manager search for Geocode – Google Maps
  7. Enable this plugin before moving on to the next step
  8. Navigate back to the main page of the administrative side of the Hub
  9. Go to Components and select CRON from the drop-down
  10. Inside of the component CRON, click the Add button in the upper right hand corner of the screen
  11. Select the Event of the new CRON job to be Cron-Geosearch: Get Location Data From Sources from the drop-down and then add the name of the new CRON job to match the name of the event
  12. Select the Frequency of the job to be Once a day, midnight
    1. This is suggested to prevent overrunning Google Maps API request limit.
  13. To save this new job, click Save & Close
  14. Enable the new CRON job and then manually Run the job
  15. Navigate to the GeoSearch main page and refresh the page

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