

Understanding URLs for Sections, Categories, and Articles

When SEF URLs are being used, it can become tricky at times to discover which article a URL path leads to. HUBs try to simplify some of this and make the association(s) of the path to sections, categories, and articles a little more obvious.

For the purposes of this explanation, we assume every section, category, and article has an alias. In its simplest form, a URL will map to a path of{SectionAlias}/{CategoryAlias}/{ArticleAlias}. So, a URL of would map to a section with an alias of about, a category with an alias of this, and an article with an alias of site.

The resulting URL will start to collapse, or shorten, when sections, categories, and articles have the same alias. For instance, if you have a section with alias about, a category with an alias of this, and an article with an alias of this– notice it is the same as the category–the resulting URL will be

If all three portions have the same alias, the shortens further. A section alias of about, category alias of about and article alias of about will simply produce

Quick Reference
Section Category Article URL
about this site
about this this
this this site
about this about
about about about

URL Redirects

If you find yourself wanting to redirect a certain URL to another page, then Joomla! has a solution for you. And fortunately, the solution is as simple as creating a menu.


  1. Navigate to Menus -> Menu Manager on the Joomla! backend
  2. At this point, you can either create a new Menu or use an existing one. If you prefer the former, click New in the upper right-hand corner, and give your new Menu a name such as Redirects. Alternatively, you could use the Default menu. The only thing to remember is that you should use a menu that is not displayed on the site (e.g. the Main Menu and About menus or displayed on the standard hub)
  3. Irrelevant of which option you chose, select the icon in the Menu Item(s) row to add a new Menu Item to your Menu to handle the redirect
  4. Next, fill in the necessary fields
    • Add a Title
    • The Alias will be the address that a user would enter into the address bar of their browser
    • The Link will be the page where the actual content exists
      • Example: According to the image below, if a user types, though that page does not exist, they will get the content found at
  5. Select Save

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