

What is the Answers component?

Answers, or Questions and Answers in the front end, is a place to exchange knowledge about things that are not found in the Knowledge Base. Ask a question that's relevant to your community or help other users by providing an answer to their questions.

Note: You must be logged in on the backend in order to perform the tasks below.

Deleting an Answer

  1. In the backend, navigate to Answers under the Components tab.
  2. Go to the Answers tab and find the answer to be deleted.
  3. Click on the check box for the answer to select it.
  4. Click the Delete button symbolized by a trash can. The answer will be fully deleted.


Submitting a Question

  1. In the backend, navigate to Answers under the Components tab.
  2. While on the Questions tab, click the New button symbolized by a plus sign.
  3. Fill in the details of the question being submitted. Check the box for Anonymous to remove your name from the question. Select the Notify of responses box to get emailed about new responses to the question. Fill in the title and the description of the question. Add tags to the question using the tag box.
  4. Click Save & Close to save the new question to the hub.


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