

Creating a Publication

Start a Publication

  1. Navigate to and then log into your Hub account.
  2. On the Publication home page, click "Start Publishing".
  3. On the Publications: Submit page, click the "Start a new publication" link.
  4. You will notice that there is a "Start a new Project" link on this page as well. This tutorial focuses on creating a stand-alone Publication NOT created within a Project, so ensure you use the "Start a new publication" link.
    1. There are many benefits to creating publications through a Project, discussed in the last section on this page.


Select the Primary Content

  1. Click "Browse" underneath Select File(s)
  2. Choose the file you want to include and click "Open".
  3. Click "Upload".
  4. Repeat the steps above to upload multiple files.
  5. The files that have been uploaded will be listed underneath the Select File(s) section.  Click on the name of the file(s) you want to include in the publication.
  6. The file(s) that are to be included in the publication will have a green checkmark next to their name and will display underneath the Publication Primary Content box on the right side.
  7. Click "Save & Continue" to move to the next step.


Select Supporting Materials

  1. Click "Browse" underneath Select Supporting Materials
  2. Choose the file you want to include and click "Open".
  3. Click "Upload".
  4. Repeat the steps above to upload multiple files.
  5. The files that have been uploaded will be listed underneath the Select Supporting Materials section.  Click on the name of the file(s) you want to include.
  6. The file(s) that are selected to be included as Supporting Materials will have a green checkmark next to their name and will display underneath the Publication Supporting Materials box on the right side.
  7. Click "Save & Continue" to move to the next step.


Describe the Publication

  1. Type a descriptive yet concise title in the "Title" text box.
  2. In the "Synopsis" text box, provide a brief summary on the publication.  This summary will show in search results, and is limited to only 250 characters.
  3. In the "Abstract/Description" textbox, you can provide a more detailed summary. 

    The "Abstract/Description" textbox should be used to provide the reader information about the publications purpose, and should not be used to deploy the publication's content.

  4. Click "Save & Continue" to save your changes and continue to the next step.


Add Author(s)

  1. Under the "Add Author(s)" section, click the name of the user you'd like to add.

    If you are adding a Publication from a Project, then all Project team members will be listed.

  2. If you do not see the author listed, type in their first and last name in the text below below.
  3. A box will show suggestions below of authors that have an account on the HUB.
  4. If you see their name in the suggestion box, click the name to quickly populate the text box.
  5. Once you have either found the name as a suggestion or typed the name in manually, click "Add".
  6. In the box that appears, ensure the name looks correct and type in the author's institution.  Optionally you can provide the author's e-mail address.
  7. Click "Save".
  8. All authors that will listed on the publication will show under Publication Authors on the right side, as well as have a green check mark on the left.
  9. If you want to change the order which the authors are listed, click and drag the author name on the left side and move the name up/down the list.
  10. If you want to remove an author, click the author's name on the left side so that the green checkmark no longer shows next to the name.
  11. Once you are satisfied with the list of authors, click "Save & Continue" to move to the next step.


Add Gallery Images

  1. Click "Browse" underneath Add Gallery Images

    Accepted image formats are PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, and BMP

  2. Choose the image you want to include and click "Open".
  3. Click "Upload".
  4. Repeat the steps above to upload multiple images.
  5. The images that have been uploaded will be listed underneath the Add Gallery Images section.  Click on the name of the images(s) you want to include.
  6. The image(s) that you selected to be included in the Gallery will have a green checkmark next to their name and will display underneath the Publication Gallery box on the right side.
  7. Click "Save & Continue" to move to the next step.


Add Tags

  1. On the left side will be a list of suggested tags. Click on any tags that are related to your Publication.
  2. Click the "More Suggestions" link to browse through other existing tags
  3. To provide additional tags that may have not been listed, type in a keyword in the "Publications Tags" box.
  4. Type a comma or press Enter after typing a tag word or phrase to provide additional tags.
  5. Under "Category" click the radio button next to the Category that best fits the publication.
  6. Click "Save & Continue" to save the tags and move to the next step.


Choose License

  1. Under the "Select a License:" box, click on the license you want to use.
  2. A green check mark will appear next to the license that has been chosen.

    Note: If you want to add a custom license, click the "Custom" link below the listed licenses, and replace the template text in the text box that appears with the appropriate information.

  3. Click the "Read license terms" link to review the license.
  4. After reviewing, check the box next to "I have read the license terms and agree to license my work under the <License Type> License." to confirm you have read it.
  5. Click "Save & Continue".


Add Citations to Related Resources

  1. If the related resource has a DOI, type it in the textbox.
  2. A preview of the citation associated with that DOI will appear below.
  3. If you want to add this citation, click "Add Citation".
  4. You can repeat the steps above to add additional citations.
  5. Alternately, if the citation does not have a DOI, click "Enter Manually" -> fill in the requested information -> click "Save Citation" when finished.
  6. When finished adding citations to related  resources, click "Save & Continue".


Add Release Notes

  1. In the text box, you can type in any notes related to this specific version of the Publication.
  2. Click "Save & Continue".


Review and Submit

  1. On the Publications: Submit page you can review your publication.
  2. You can edit any of the steps by clicking on the link of the section name you want to change (e.g. Description, Authors, Content, etc.)

    Note: Areas that are incomplete will show in red text with X's next to the section name.

  3. When you are ready for your publication to be published click "Review & Submit to be Published".
  4. Ensure all publication authors have read the Terms of Deposit, viewable by following the "Terms of Deposit" link, and then select the radio button next to "I an all publication authors have read and agree to <HUB> Terms of Deposit".
  5. Click "Submit draft to be published".

Publication Through a Project


Creating a publication through a Project has many benefits, including:

  • Allows for a consistent team to collaborate on a Publication or set of related Publications.
  • Using the Publications feature through a Project allows Databases to be added to a Publication for public viewing.
  • Google Drive integration with Projects allows you to published files directly from your Google Drive.
  • Project team members will automatically show in the list of authors to choose from, making it easy to add the same authors to several different Publications.
  • Gives related Publications a shared public Projects page that users can view to look at related Publications that were a part of the same Project.

Creating a Publication Through a Project

  1. Navigate to the Project you'd like to use to create a Publication.  If you want to view a list of Projects you manage or be able to create a new project go to
  2. Click "Publications" on the left menu bar inside the project.
  3. Click "Start a New Publication".
  4. Select either "File(s)" or "Databases" depending on what you'd like to publish. 
  5. Now the Publication steps will be the same as in the previous section, except for some areas will get pre-populated with choices based on what exists in the Project.

    Any area where you choose a file (e.g. Primary Content, Supporting Materials, Image Gallery) will be pre-populated with files that are included in the Project. The authors list will also be pre-populated with Project team members as options.

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