

Registration Fields

  1. First log in to the administrative backend.
  2. Once logged in, find “Components” in the main menu bar located toward the top of the page. You should be presented with a drop-down menu containing a list of your installed components.
  3. Choose “Registration” from the available options.
  4. You should now be presented with a table of available user fields and their status for a particular action. This controls what fields the user will see, must fill in (required) or can fill in (optional) depending upon which action or state they are currently in. That is, you can make the username field required for the registration page (“create” column) but may not wish for your users to be able to edit this after creation (“read only” for the “update” and “edit” columns).

  5. Create column
What the user sees on the registration page

  6. Proxy column
What columns an administrator sees or must fill in when creating an account by proxy (i.e., for someone else)

  7. Update column
What fields the user will see and/or must fill in if something has changed with what information is required at registration. An example of this would be if the “citizenship” field was, at one point, optional for registration but is now required. Setting this field to “Required” for the “Update” column will now require logged-in users to fill this information out.

  8. Edit column
What fields the user will see and can edit for their user profile

  9. Field Option Definitions:
Required = Must fill in
Optional = Can fill in
Hide = Not visible
Read only = Can view but cannot change

  10. Once you feel ready to save your changes, scroll back to the top of the page and click “Save” in the upper right portion of the page.

Changes take affect immediately.

Customizing Confirmation Email

All component layouts can be customized through overrides. Except for files that are provided in the "Joomla!" distribution itself, this method for customization eliminate the need for designers and developers to "hack" core files that could change when the site is updated to a new version. Because they are contained within the template, they can be deployed to the Web site without having to worry about changes being accidentally

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